Company details
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Company details
“SWITZ Antivirus” is information security project managed by Digitcapital Company, headquartered at Badenerstrasse 141 Zürich, 8004, Switzerland.
Launched in 2013, "SWITZ Antivirus” has become an integrated part of Digitcapital services aimed to build and implement an effective information security strategy for companies from different fields of economy.
More information about Digitcapital and its projects You will find here:
To get in touch with “SWITZ Antivirus” team, please contact to:
Anastasiia Ilina, Business Development Manager at “SWITZ Antivirus”
Launched in 2013, "SWITZ Antivirus” has become an integrated part of Digitcapital services aimed to build and implement an effective information security strategy for companies from different fields of economy.
More information about Digitcapital and its projects You will find here:
To get in touch with “SWITZ Antivirus” team, please contact to:
Anastasiia Ilina, Business Development Manager at “SWITZ Antivirus”

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